I don't know if Specialty Bottle is the only company in Seattle where they sell varieties of bottles, but it's pretty cool to find out that we have this unique company in Seattle SODO area. I stumbled upon their website the other day and I thought, this is pretty cool!... If you are in need of glass or plastic jars/bottles or special containers, you can always check their selections.
For small business owners or artist, this could be one of many resources to keep and use.

You can order through online or call their store.
Their Address: 3434 4th Avenue S |Seattle, WA 98134 | 206-382-1100 | service@specialtybottle.com
Ideas that you can do with bottles or jars.
For more ideas.. you can look at Martha Stewart Website, and Weeping Cherries Blogspot (All images in this article are from this blog).